


size: 51.24 MB

|- Zhu Yanxin (Research on the International Issues of CNA).2013-CN.pdf - 1.01 MB
|- Yde (The Law of Cyber Armed Conflicts).2013.pdf - 262.00 kB
|- Tsagourias (The Tallinn Manual_The Use of Force)-2012.pdf - 432.00 kB
|- Tsagourias (cyber attack).2012.pdf - 111.00 kB
|- Shackelford (State Responsibility For Cyber Attacks).2011.v2.pdf - 256.00 kB
|- Shackelford (State Responsibility For Cyber Attacks).2011.pdf - 137.00 kB
|- Schmitt (The Law of Cyber Warfare).2014.pdf - 453.00 kB
|- Schmitt (The Koh Speech and Tallinn Manual Juxtaposed).2013.pdf - 1.60 MB
|- Schmitt (Rethinking the law of cyber attack).2014.pdf - 881.00 kB
|- Schmitt (Proxy Wars in Cyberspace)-2014.pdf - 806.00 kB
|- Schmitt (Below the Threshold Cyber Operations).2014.pdf - 517.00 kB
|- Schmitt & Watts (IHL Law Opinio Juris and the Law of Cyber Warfare)-2015.pdf - 445.00 kB
|- Schmitt & Watts (IHL Law Opinio Juris and the Law of Cyber Warfare)-2015(1).pdf - 445.00 kB
|- Roberts (Applying Conventional Laws of War to Cyber Warfare).2014.pdf - 276.00 kB
|- NWC - Vol-89 (Geography of Armed Conflict).pdf - 7.30 MB
|- No 9 - International Law and International Information Security (Heintschel von Heinegg).2015.pdf - 266.00 kB
|- No 6 - Responsible Attribution A Prerequisite for Accountability (Carr).2014.pdf - 198.00 kB
|- Margulies (Cyber Attacks Law of State Responsibility).2013.pdf - 455.00 kB
|- Lubell (Lawful Targets in Cyber Operations).2013.pdf - 432.00 kB
|- Libicki (Cyberspace is not a warfighting domain).2012.pdf - 147.00 kB
|- Li Bojun (论网络战及战争法的适用问题李伯军)-2013.pdf - 389.00 kB
|- Li Bojun (论网络攻击与国际法上国家自卫权的行使
李伯军)-2012.pdf - 150.00 kB
|- Lawson (cyberwar metaphor, analogy, and cybersecurity discourse in the United States).2012.pdf - 181.00 kB
|- Krutskikh (International Law and the Problem of International Information Security).2014.pdf - 669.00 kB
|- Kessler (Study of the Tallin Manual)-2013.pdf - 117.00 kB
|- Jensen (State Obligations in Cyber Operations)-2014.pdf - 1.00 MB
|- Hollis (A Duty to Hack)-2015.pdf - 279.00 kB
|- Heintschel von Heinegg (Territorial Sovereignty in Cyberspace).2012.pdf - 457.00 kB
|- Heintschel von Heinegg (Neutrality in Cyberspace).2012.pdf - 476.00 kB
|- Healey (Political Neutrality and National Responsibility in Cyber Conflict)-2012.pdf - 476.00 kB
|- Geiss (Cyberwarfare_Challenges to International Law).2014.pdf - 156.00 kB
|- Geiss (Cyber Warfare_ Applying the Principle of Distinction).2012.pdf - 176.00 kB
|- Fleck (Critical First Assessment of the New Tallinn Manual).2013.pdf - 138.00 kB
|- Droege (cyber warfare, international humanitarian law, and the protection of civilians).2012.pdf - 829.00 kB
|- Dinstein (cyberwarfare).2012.pdf - 111.00 kB
|- Collins (Stuxnet).2012.pdf - 104.00 kB
|- Boo (Cyber War and Policy Suggestions for South Korean Planners).2012.pdf - 390.00 kB
|- Boer (On the Tallinn Manual and the Use of Force).2013.pdf - 294.00 kB
|- Blank (The Role of Rhetoric in the Application of Law to Activities in Cyberspace).2015.pdf - 478.00 kB
|- Blank (International Law and Cyber Threats from Non-State Actors).2013.pdf - 453.00 kB
|- Ambos (International Criminal Responsibility in Cyberspace)-2014.pdf - 372.00 kB
|- 2015-Decoding China Cyber Warfare Strategies (Raska-RSIS).pdf - 383.00 kB
|- 2015 -Israel Evolving Cyber Strategy (Raska-RSIS).pdf - 8.40 MB
|- 2014-Rethinking Information and Cyber Warfare (RSIS).pdf - 7.90 MB
|- 2014-International Workshop on Information and Cyber Security (UNRCPD-CHINA).pdf - 543.00 kB
|- 2014-Cyber Operations by Private Actors in the Ukraine-Russia Conflict (Boulet - ASIL).pdf - 227.00 kB
|- 2014-China International Law in Cyberspace (US-China Eco & Security Rev Comm’n).pdf - 122.00 kB
|- 2013-The Newest Warfighting Domain_Cyberspace (Brandes).pdf - 722.00 kB
|- 2013-Regional Cyber Security_Towards Resilient ASEAN Cyber Security Regime (Heinl-RSIS).pdf - 1.20 MB
|- 2013-Cyber Warfare as a Superficially Tempting Low-Level Engagement Strategy (Caytas).pdf - 637.00 kB
|- 2013-Cyber Security and the Tallinn Manual (Kono - NIDS).pdf - 69.00 kB
|- 2013-Cyber Professionals in the Military and Industry (ASPJ).pdf - 1.60 MB
|- 20120823-Defining Cyberterrorism (Brickley).docx - 22.00 kB
|- 2012-Stuxnet, Schmitt Analysis, and Cyber Use of Force (Foltz).pdf - 1.10 MB
|- 2012-Stuxnet Primer (Beasley).pdf - 148.00 kB
|- 2012-Cyber warfare (Netherlands_AIV - CAVV).pdf - 490.00 kB
|- 2012-Cyber Terrorism The Fifth Domain (Bhattacharya).pdf - 24.00 kB
|- 2012-Cyber Conflict Bibliography (George Washington U).pdf - 494.00 kB
|- 20110909-Selected Bibliography for Cyber Security.pdf - 105.00 kB
|- 2011-Was Stuxnet an Act of War (Fidler).pdf - 628.00 kB
|- 2011-Seeking National Responsibility for Cyberattacks (Healey-Atlantic Council).pdf - 257.00 kB
|- 2011-Framing Cyber Warfare (Chong-RSIS).pdf - 146.00 kB
|- 2010- OnCyberWarfare (Chatham House).pdf - 1.10 MB
|- 2009-Seminar on Protection of Cyberspace from Terrorist Use and Attacks - Korea (APEC).pdf - 242.00 kB
|- 2007-Warfighting in Cyberspace (Alexander).pdf - 508.00 kB
|- 00Biblio.xlsx - 48.00 kB

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