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|- [ZZW16]Extreme-Scale Phase Field Simulations of Coarsening Dynamics on the Sunway TaihuLight Supercomputer.pdf - 3.60 MB
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|- [YXF16]10M-core scalable fully-implicit solver for nonhydrostatic atmospheric dynamics.pdf - 537.00 kB
|- [YHC16]Nonlinear Preconditioning Techniques for Full-Space Lagrange–Newton Solution of PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems.pdf - 2.20 MB
|- [YCZC14]A scalable numerical method for simulating flows around high-speed train under crosswind conditions.pdf - 5.60 MB
|- [WVV15]Heterogeneous computing on mixed unstructured grids with PyFR.pdf - 1.80 MB
|- [WLPV15]Software concepts and numerical algorithms for a scalable adaptive parallel finite element method.pdf - 4.50 MB
|- [WC14]A fully implicit domain decomposition based ALE framework for three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction with application in blood flow computation.pdf - 6.30 MB
|- [VRRW13]UG 4—A novel flexible software system for simulating PDE based models on high performance computers.pdf - 2.40 MB
|- [UG4] UG4 Web page.pdf - 24.20 MB
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|- [QZY16]A highly effective global surface wave numerical simulation with ultra-high resolution.pdf - 488.00 kB
|- [PAD13]SU2-an open-source integrated computational environment for multi-physics simulation and design.pdf - 4.30 MB
|- [N16]Recent Applications and Algorithm Development Using FUN3D.pdf - 11.20 MB
|- [MCRFGM16]A GPU-accelerated compressible RANS solver for Fluid-Structure Interaction simulations in turbomachinery.pdf - 418.00 kB
|- [M15]高性能数值模拟编程框架研究进展.pdf - 699.00 kB
|- [LZWC17]A Parallel Finite Element Method for 3D Two-Phase Moving Contact Line Problems in Complex Domains.pdf - 5.70 MB
|- [LZC16]A programming framework for large scale numerical simulations on unstructured mesh.pdf - 690.00 kB
|- [LWCC15]Parallel performance modeling of irregular applications in cell-centered finite volume methods over unstructured tetrahedral meshes.pdf - 2.70 MB
|- [LDLD16]High Fidelity, High Order, Large Eddy Simulations of a Real Geometry Aircraft Nose Landing Gear on Hybrid Unstructured Meshes and Small-scale Many-core Computing System.pdf - 2.10 MB
|- [LCLZ16]一种求解地震波方程的高效并行谱元格式.pdf - 462.00 kB
|- [KPSC06] libMesh A C++ Library for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement Coarsening Simulations.pdf - 1.40 MB
|- [KC16_2]Scalability study of an implicit solver for coupled fluid-structure interaction problems on unstructured meshes in 3D.pdf - 2.60 MB
|- [KC16]A highly scalable multilevel Schwarz method with boundary geometry preserving coarse spaces for 3D elasticity problems on domains with complex geometry.pdf - 2.40 MB
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|- [GLW16] Space and Time Parallel Multigrid for Optimization and Uncertainty Quantification in PDE Simulations.pdf - 438.00 kB
|- [FXCLWN16]大规模结构动力学并行计算与软件研发进展.pdf - 1.10 MB
|- [FWXLM15]Some progress on parallel modal and vibration analysis using the JAUMIN framework.pdf - 3.50 MB
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|- [CWYZC14]A parallel domain decomposition method for 3D unsteady incompressible flows at high Reynolds number.pdf - 628.00 kB
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|- [AKK16] Al Farhan, M. A., Kaushik, D. K., & Keyes, D. E. Unstructured computational aerodynamics on many integrated core architecture. Parallel Computing, 2016, 59, 97-118..pdf - 2.70 MB

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